Cancer Council - Digital Campaign

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The Challenge

Build a multi-platform digital ad campaign for the Cancer Council about the benefits of sun protection, targeting a 18-45 yr old male audience.

And pull it together across multiple locations, with over 10 different actors, on a 1 day shoot. All of this plus a quick turnaround.


  • Project Management

  • Video Production

  • Photography

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The Process

Working with Juicebox Creative to develop their script that would capture 5 different worksite conversations to highlight each crucial step in sun protection - Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek & Slide.

We designed the shoot to allow the 5 locations to be shot across only 2 work sites which were sourced through collaboration with Red Ink Homes and Summit Homes. We even organised (lucked out) for the weather to change throughout the day to give each scene it’s own unique feel.


The Results

A successful photo & video campaign delivered on time and under budget for Facebook, Instagram & TikTok.

Client: Cancer Council WA

Creative Agency: Juicebox Creative


let’s shoot something